Monday, May 23, 2016

I can prove you wrong

Yes I am a woman.
Yes, I am his girlfriend
And yes I am pregnant

A woman who knows what it means to make sacrifices, 
Willing to shifts priorities so that others 
can eat
have shelter
have security in their lives.
A girlfriend that understands that she is not the most important element in his life
Nor do I want to be. 
Because there is a bigger cause than me, 
Becuase there is people out there who's kids first meal is the free breakfast at school
Becuase there is that man in the streets selling cans for pocket change, 
Becuase there are kids out there who don't have the chance to learn that they have talents
Becuase there are women out there who work two jobs, fight against the world and are still being judged. 
Becuase there is some one out there trynna make the best out of white bread and water.

That cause is you, 

I live the selfless act of giving up myself to see others succeed.

I am a lioness and he is MY boyfriend.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Major troll move

"Obama Care kicks in, we cut their hours!"

Let him go first.

This idea that "doors should be opened for me- I should get on/off first-Why should I pay?- I can't open this jar- I won't even try to fix this toilet- doing the lawn is men's work! because I'm a woman" is still around! Even after all the accomplishments done by the feminist movements we've had so far. To me this is a contradiction and now don't say something like "I am not a feminist!" because this is not what I'm talking about, but if you are a woman and you think you can be as great and respected as a man but still have your date pay for the taxi cab and give him an ugly eye if he doesn't open the door for you then this applies. Don't we all (women) argue that we are as good as men and that we should be treated fairly and equally and that long speech? Then drop the special treatment entitlement and act as such, as an equal, open a door for a man at the store, let a man on the bus first, pay for your male friends at the bar. Don't talk, do, don't ask for rides, give one. Change the culture. 

Ain't no rest for the wicked

"There ain't no rest for the wicked,
Money don't grow on tress
We got bills to pay
We got mouths to feed
Ain't nothing in this world for free
No we can't slow down 
We can't go back
Though you know we wish we could
No there ain't no rest for the wicked
Until we close our eyes for good" - Ain't no rest for the wicked by Cage the Elephants

You should check them out!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Touch of Steel

"...Which proves what I've 
always said:
Never trust a man with
an open direct stare 
and an easy smile
if he smokes a pipe." - Bukowski

The American Dream

The American dream starts at 5 am and ends at midnight.

Something really funny that we joke around between the immigrant communities is that the real american dream is to work your ass for some money. I mean yes this money translated into "persos" or whatever other less "valuable" coin may seem like a lot but in reality it isn't, or at least not equivalent to the hard work put into acquiring it. There is this misconception in the outside world, mostly by under developed countries, that "america" (United States) is some kind of milk and honey fairy land or something. One of the scariest things about this country is how this misconception is still being spread around, and yes one does not have to look far, for instance what do we see in most movies produced by the U.S.? We see kids going to fancy ass schools, people with high paying jobs, educated clean civilians, advanced society, better clothes, better cars, better homes, better life... Then there is the fact that what happens in the U.S. stays in the U.S. We don't hear about the government selling out, the economy crashing, Unaffordable Higher education, Sallie Mae, corruption, corruption and more corruption. The violence and terror is always happening on foreign soil, never in motherland, blond is better. Think about it, is it really fair to blame immigrants for wanting a piece of the imaginary pie?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Bombing

Panel 1:
- Did you hear about the Boston Bombing yet?

Panel 2:
- Yes! that is some terrible shit!
-Obama called it terrorism and tried to blame the middle east.

Panel 3:
-I wonder if he calls what we do to other countries terrorism as well.
-Doubt that!

Don't take me wrong, I do agree that the bombing was some fuck up shit BUT that does not give the right to anyone to be racist and blame it on the middle east or north Korea or any other enemy country when the evidence points to something very local (I tried to find the original news article where I read about the FBI blaming the middle east for the pressure cooker bombs but I assume it was taken down or something). Why don't we look internally? I mean, this country is going down a line I know pretty well and I don't know if any one else noticed but this is not the first terririst attack done in the US that does not include some external enemy, does any one remember the christian radicals throwing Molotov bombs to Planned Parenthood clinics? if not, google it, that was a terrorist attack and that is just one example. Any act of terror use with the means of carrying out a message is a terrorist attack or as the dictionary says "The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims". So why blame some outsider when we can clearly blame ourselves?
Also, not like the United States hasn't done some fuck up shit to other countries as well, it isn't call terrorism because we are blind to reality, and we like it that way.