Friday, April 26, 2013

Let him go first.

This idea that "doors should be opened for me- I should get on/off first-Why should I pay?- I can't open this jar- I won't even try to fix this toilet- doing the lawn is men's work! because I'm a woman" is still around! Even after all the accomplishments done by the feminist movements we've had so far. To me this is a contradiction and now don't say something like "I am not a feminist!" because this is not what I'm talking about, but if you are a woman and you think you can be as great and respected as a man but still have your date pay for the taxi cab and give him an ugly eye if he doesn't open the door for you then this applies. Don't we all (women) argue that we are as good as men and that we should be treated fairly and equally and that long speech? Then drop the special treatment entitlement and act as such, as an equal, open a door for a man at the store, let a man on the bus first, pay for your male friends at the bar. Don't talk, do, don't ask for rides, give one. Change the culture. 

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