The American dream starts at 5 am and ends at midnight.
Something really funny that we joke around between the immigrant communities is that the real american dream is to work your ass for some money. I mean yes this money translated into "persos" or whatever other less "valuable" coin may seem like a lot but in reality it isn't, or at least not equivalent to the hard work put into acquiring it. There is this misconception in the outside world, mostly by under developed countries, that "america" (United States) is some kind of milk and honey fairy land or something. One of the scariest things about this country is how this misconception is still being spread around, and yes one does not have to look far, for instance what do we see in most movies produced by the U.S.? We see kids going to fancy ass schools, people with high paying jobs, educated clean civilians, advanced society, better clothes, better cars, better homes, better life... Then there is the fact that what happens in the U.S. stays in the U.S. We don't hear about the government selling out, the economy crashing, Unaffordable Higher education, Sallie Mae, corruption, corruption and more corruption. The violence and terror is always happening on foreign soil, never in motherland, blond is better. Think about it, is it really fair to blame immigrants for wanting a piece of the imaginary pie?
America is just like Disneyland. It casts the illusion of a glamorous society with sprawling suburban high schools, high paying jobs, and well adjusted, successful people... but all kingdoms have problems, and the lives of the royals have never really been all that glamorous. I do like the idea that you can win through hard work, but I'd imagine you could do that anywhere. Ultimately I think the biggest lie is the educational system, because 5 out of 10 billionaires were DROPOUTS!!!